Recent Mold Remediation Posts

Professional Solutions for Mold Damage in Ft. Lauderdale

5/19/2024 (Permalink)

mold on white wall in closet SERVPRO tips may help prevent mold growth in your Ft. Lauderdale home. Here to Help®

SERVPRO® Shares Sustainable Mold Remediation Tips

Residents and business owners in Ft. Lauderdale must be vigilant about mold damage due to the region's tropical rainforest climate. The city receives twice as much rain (61 inches) than the national average (31 inches), with the rainiest season extending from May through October. Part-time property-owning residents who travel elsewhere during the rainy season might use local management companies accredited by the National Home Watch Association to monitor the property or help with short-term rentals. Receive early warnings of mold damage because a tenant turned off the AC or left a window open to raindrops when they explored Las Olas Boulevard or lazed away the afternoon on Fort Lauderdale Beach.

Hot and Rainy Conditions Increase Mold Risk

Mold damage flourishes in Ft. Lauderdale because of the ready availability of moisture. Daily rains increase the possibility of water damage from roof leaks, poor roof or gutter drainage, or seepage into a foundation or crawl space. Within 24 to 48 hours, mold spores in your home can germinate, grow, and colonize in tiny bits of water. Even poorly managed humidity can give spores enough of a bump to get them proliferating.

Mold Needs Remediation

Although many companies boast about mold removal prowess, be aware that removal is unattainable. There is simply no way to eradicate all spores. Do not despair. SERVPRO offers mold remediation rather than mere removal, which helps remove current mold organism colonies and educates customers on preventing or inhibiting future outbreaks. The focus must shift to moisture management. No water, no mold growth. Here are some tips:

  • Immediately attend to any leaks, arranging for plumbing, roof, or other repairs--SERVPRO can help remove water damage and provide structural drying.
  • Maintain the humidity in your home below 50 percent.

Rely on SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South to help if mold damage becomes an issue. Call (954) 388-8554 to schedule assessment and mold remediation services.

Are You Aware of These Types of Mold Lurking on Your Property?

6/3/2020 (Permalink)

bathroom tub mold in corner Mold Damage? Call SERVPRO Today!

SERVPRO Technicians Provide Commercial Mold Remediation for Plantation Businesses

Plantation, Florida business owners may be well aware that mold exists in some form in every indoor space. Still, they may be surprised at both the variety of indoor molds as well as the tenacious nature of this microbial growth. All molds need to thrive in any given environment are moisture and oxygen. Without thorough professional remediation, mold can cause health effects, affect indoor air quality, and damage assets and structural materials.

SERVPRO technicians are ready to assist businesses in Plantation with emergency-response commercial mold remediation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. SERVPRO techs receive extensive training and education on dealing with mold damage per restoration industry standards and use sophisticated technologies to this end, including:

  • HEPA filter vacuums that can catch particles as small as 0.3 microns in size.
  • OSHA-approved, EPA-registered biocides that mitigate both mold and odors.
  • Air movement and dehumidification equipment used in tandem with moisture measurement tools to return surfaces to normal humidity levels.
  • Odor control equipment handled by certified technicians to mitigate odors from mold and water damage.

Common Types of Mold in Residential Structures

  • Acremonium. This mold goes from small, moist deposits to becoming a widespread powdery pink, gray, white, or orange. Acremonium tends to thrive in small spaces like cooling coils, drain pans, window seals, and humidifiers. It can also grow alongside other strains of mold, including black mold.
  • Alternaria. Alternaria is easily one of the most common indoor molds to be found in residential buildings. It tends to accumulate in sicks, bathtubs, and similarly wet areas. Sometimes the presence of this furry dark green or brown mold can indicate water damage in your facilities.
  • Ulocladium. This black-colored mold, which is not what we know as “black mold,” tends to live in high-moisture areas that have previously suffered water damage, including basements and bathrooms. Contact a professional to inspect the mold on your property.
  • Stachybotrys. Stachybotrys is the name given to black mold, a microbial growth indicative of severe or long-term water damage. Black mold is slimy and can vary in color between dark green and black.
  • Penicillium. This blue-green, velvety mold spreads easily through the air and in ventilation systems but tends to proliferate the most in porous surfaces that have endured water damage. Common locations for penicillium growth include wallpaper, mattresses, and upholstery.

If you notice a proliferation of these or of other types of mold on your property, professional remediation is a must for preventing the spread of spores and keeping tenants and staff safe. Keep in mind that many buildings typically contain more than one type of mold, and careful inspection and remediation is necessary to keep each one from spreading.

SERVPRO Remediates Mold While Preventing Spores from Spreading

SERVPRO’s mold remediation techniques focus on the following:

  • Establishing containment measures such as sealing entryways and implementing negative air pressure machines to limit mold’s ability to travel through the air or to other areas of your property.
  • Removing unsalvageable, mold-affected materials from the property. These items are typically porous, including carpeting and drapes.
  • Cleaning mold off of nonporous surfaces and other salvageable items with EPA-registered biocides and removing large, solid mold deposits.
  • Eliminating settled mold spores of surfaces until there is no risk of them spreading through the air during drying.
  • Drying the mold-affected structure with air movers and dehumidifiers to eliminate the moisture that allowed the mold to thrive in the first place.

Drying is monitored with a variety of moisture measurement tools, including penetrating and non-penetrating sensors and meters. Infrared imaging is also used to detect moisture damage behind walls or under flooring that may also house or become an ideal environment for mold growth.

After remediation, SERVPRO technicians can focus on any rebuilding or renovation services that they are licensed to provide, including installing new carpet, repairing damaged subflooring, and replacing damaged drywall and baseboards.

SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South wants to keep your business looking, “Like it never even happened.” Call (954) 776-2000 for emergency response mold inspection and remediation.

Learn more about Plantation, Florida.

How Our Mold Damage Experts Can Restore Your Davie Property

2/20/2019 (Permalink)

Call (954) 776-2000 to speak to one of our certified technicians to begin the process of mold remediation in your home now.

SERVPRO Tackles Mold Damage In Davie Rental Home

Mold is opportunistic and only requires moisture, food which can consist of most organic materials from drywall to books and optimum temperatures. In this area of Florida, the warm, moist air creates a perfect environment for mold growth, and homeowners have to be diligent to keep it at bay.

SERVPRO was called to perform mold remediation on a Davie rental property where the tenants had ignored a small leak in the attic area that had turned into a significant problem. The mold had spread from the area of the leak to the wood and possibly affecting the wood under the insulation. The landlord had the plumbing repaired; now he needed the mold handled.

Our technicians inspected the attic and found no other issues causing retention of moisture other than the previously leaking pipe. They contained the entryway to the attic to stop the spread of mold spores into the rest of the home. Once contained, they used a special vacuum to collect the insulation for possible reuse. The wood underneath had mild mold growth, and it was damp. Air movers and dehumidifiers were applied to the area to quickly dry the surfaces and make it unfriendly for mold.

Once dry, to avoid bringing moisture back into the attic, the SERVPRO team chose to use soda blasting to remove the mold by targeting areas of growth with a highly concentrated stream of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) which works as a mild abrasive to scrub mold from surfaces while it performs the dual function of cleaning plus deodorizing.

Industrial vacuums with HEPA filters are used to pull up mold and spores and trap them so they can be removed entirely from the property. A final wipedown with our professional-grade anti-fungal leaves the surface clean and inhibits the return of mold.

SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South knows the clock is ticking when you have discovered mold damage. Our emergency services are ready 24/7 to assist you. Call (954) 776-2000 to speak to one of our certified technicians to begin the process of mold remediation in your home now.

Click here for more about Davie.

Why Mold Needs to be Quickly Remediated in Your Davie Home

1/28/2019 (Permalink)

This mold resulted from a plumbing leak.

What Makes Mold Hazardous for Your Davie Residence?

There are grand misconceptions about microbial growth that occurs in humid conditions common to Davie homes. The riskiest of these underestimations is the idea that mold growth in your home is not hazardous, and that eventually leaving it alone remedies the problem. As misguided as these ideas are, many homeowners use them as the excuse for not removing mold colonies as they get discovered, or spending the money necessary to get professional remediators like ours to do the removal correctly.

However you view mold remediation, and its necessity for your damaged Davie property, services like this can preserve structural elements of your property and better protect your family against the potential health effects exposure to an active colony can cause. Our SERVPRO applied microbial remediation technicians undergo extensive training to assess risk and effectively remove mold growth from homes using sophisticated and advanced technologies.

Understanding the effect that mold can have on your home is vital to appreciate the need for immediate intervention by trained professionals that get equipped to remove the organism. As mold spores seat onto surfaces, they begin using the organic material as a food source to grow and continue to spread throughout the affected area. The longer a colony remains in a single place, the more erosion and degradation that material experiences.

Our SERVPRO professionals have encountered mold growth in all stages. Early onset of colonization sometimes leaves room for our technicians to remove the organism without tearing out the affected structural element. For more severe cases, controlled demolition would be necessary to eliminate the presence of mold effectively, and neighboring areas and surfaces get sprayed with an antimicrobial solution to prevent further seating and colonization.

While many homeowners might not take mold growth as seriously as they should, the longer it persists, the more damage it does to your home. You can protect unaffected areas of your property by removing the mold as quickly as possible by contacting our SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South applied microbial remediation technicians today at (954) 776-2000.

Click here for information on Flamingo Gardens.

Plantation, Mold Damage, Safe Cleanup, and of Course, SERVPRO!

12/26/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Provides Mold Remediation and Rebuilding to Affected Homes in Plantation

The Benefits of Mold Remediation for Your Plantation Home

When it comes to restoring damages that occur to your Plantation home, these circumstances might not always occur from clear causes. With mold and fungal growth that can occur in area homes, the threat to the structural integrity of the property worsens as the organism spreads. Our rapid response team can help to limit the spread of a mold colony and preserve affected elements when possible to reduce the costs of remediation. How can professional mold removal and subsequent restoration benefit a homeowner?

A common misconception about microbial growth in your Plantation home is that a homeowner can do their own version of mold remediation to resolve it. Do-it-yourself mold removal is often ineffective because traditional cleaning approaches rarely penetrate surfaces deep enough to remove the entire organism. Homeowners most often take off the surface layer of mold growth and believe the situation has gotten resolved.

Our SERVPRO mold remediation team can arrive quickly and begin our process by immediately quarantining the affected areas of the property. Often, we start with physical barriers created with heavy plastic and continue reducing the present active spores in the area through the use of negative air chambers and air scrubbers. These pieces of equipment can help to trap particulates and spores as small as 0.3 microns.

A way that professional remediation can benefit your household is by providing a reduction in the spread of the organism and certified technicians with the expertise to remove present mold colonies from the affected areas. We can also provide effective techniques to purify the air quality with hydroxyl generators to protect our technicians and the occupants of the house from exposure to harmful volatile organic compounds that can get released from spreading colonies.

When you discover mold growing in your home, you want to ensure that the efforts made to remove the colonies are thorough and efficient. Our SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South applied microbial remediation technicians can provide fast mitigation and removal for active mold growth and effective solutions to restore the damage the organism causes. Give us a call today at (954) 776-2000.

More about Plantation by clicking

Mold Removal Methods in Fort Lauderdale

9/9/2018 (Permalink)

If mold spreads on the walls of your bathroom, contact SERVPRO to assess the damage and start the remediation process.

Team SERVPRO Offers Many Effective Mold Removal Methods

Mold is common to every home in Fort Lauderdale. Since mold spores are usually inert, they pose no more threat to the structure and its residents than common house dust. When spores become active, stopping growth and removing them is the only way to return each home to its original, clean condition.
Mold and the need for mold removal in a Fort Lauderdale home often start after a storm, or a major plumbing issue causes flooding. SERVPRO restoration teams understand that inert spores only need a small amount of water to expand and begin growing into a colony. In a short time, mold can grow to a point where it threatens the home’s structure and can become a health risk to some people.
In most areas of the home, our technicians find any visible mold and then trace it to its origin point. Once it is all identified, they spray everything with an anti-fungal agent and wipe down affected surfaces with a dry sponge. If the layer is very thick, team members repeat the process until the surface is clean, or they switch to a brush or scraping tool to remove it. Once they complete the task, more team members bring in a vacuum hose to remove the mold and blow it into a sealed containment bag for disposal.
One of the new methods SERVPRO technicians have to remove thick layers of the mold is soda blasting. Similar to bead- or sand-blasting paint from a car, it is very efficient when mold grows wood surfaces like the roof support structure in an attic. Technicians use a high-powered spray gun to force a stream of soda and water across the mold, breaking it away from the support beams and other surfaces.
While the blasting action is fairly quick, the mixture of soda and mold forms a cloud. Technicians have to wear a mask to protect themselves, as well as coveralls and gloves to prevent skin irritation. After completing blasting, they use the same vacuum method to remove the mix of mold and used soda.
Removing mold from an area home is not a short or simple task. If you see mold or can detect that tell-tale musty odor; contact SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South at (954) 776-2000 today. We are here for you.
Click here for more about Fort Lauderdale.

The Truth About Mold Growth in Your Plantation Home

7/31/2018 (Permalink)

When you find mold growing in your home, it is time to contact the certified technicians at SERVPRO for mitigation services.

Team SERVPRO Understands Mold and the Type of Environment that it Needs to Proliferate

For nearly 100 years now, mold has been a widely misunderstood organism. Depending on where it grows and what it grows on, it can either be a benefit or a hazard. Part of the confusion stems from the misinformation about how mold grows in your home and what you should do if you find a colony of fungal growth in your Plantation residence.

There is no mistaking that some varieties of mold have helped to shape the world of medicine and provided cures and antibiotics for conditions that had been fatal before. Part of your job as a homeowner is to understand one simple truth about mold growth: there is no variety of mold that can grow in your home that is beneficial to you or your family. In fact, the mold damage you encounter in your Plantation home is the opposite.

Several varieties of mold can grow inside of your home as well, depending on the spores present in the environment and the kind of material in the affected area for colonization to begin. While many homeowners have been informed about occurrences of black mold, green and even orange varieties are also possible. Our SERVPRO remediators have the training to help them identify the specific type of microbial growth in your home and the most efficient means of removing it.

There are no types of mold that grow in your home that are not potentially hazardous. Those who expose themselves to thriving mold colonies run a risk of potential health effects. This fact should encourage any homeowner to forgo do it yourself methods of mold removal and trust in the professional remediation available from our SERVPRO technicians.

The discovery of mold in your home should encourage you to seek out the appropriate means of safely removing it. The longer that the problem persists, the more damage it can cause to your home, and threats of these mentioned health effects continue to increase. Trust in our experienced SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South remediation specialists to respond quickly and help you to remove this unwelcome growth in your home. You can reach us anytime at (954) 776-2000.
Click here for more information on Plantation.

SERVPRO Is The Firm To Call For Mold Removal In Ft. Lauderdale

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Loves Moisture in Ft. Lauderdale Homes, Call SERVPRO for Remediation

Ft. Lauderdale Homeowners Count on SERVPRO for Mold Remediation

Ft. Lauderdale homeowners can try to be as vigilant as possible, but our climate and unexpected circumstances make it challenging to avoid mold growth. Knowledge of the life cycle of mold helps limit fungal infestations, but many natural events and accidents can fuel an outbreak. Our mold remediation team delivers a solution whatever the cause.

High-quality Mold removal in Ft. Lauderdale needs to be available quickly. A savvy homeowner takes the time to line up a reputable firm before the problem becomes overwhelming. Mold spores always float in the air or lie on surfaces inside or out. All that is needed for molds to thrive is moisture, which is also a common ingredient in our tropical climate. We arrange for our employees to receive the most up to date mold removal training because we know the need for this service is constant.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed a mold remediation protocol that offers the most satisfactory results. SERVPRO crews are familiar with and employ this procedure. When we take on a mold project, we first contain the area where the mold grows, using physical barriers or air scrubbing equipment.

Once we establish containment zones, the SERVPRO crew typically wears personal protective gear to remove the mold. Nonporous surfaces respond well to scrapping and wiping. If the mold hyphae penetrate into an object or surface, we use products to release the mold like EPA registered antimicrobials or strategies like soda blasting, akin to sandblasting, using sodium bicarbonate as an abrasive to loosen mold.

Mold removal precedes bagging and proper disposal of the moldy material. Then SERVPRO employees evaluate the circumstances to identify where the moisture that feeds the mold originates. We suggest options and arrange for repairs to limit the moisture as that is the only way to avoid mold removal emergencies in the future.

Call SERVPRO for mold removal in Ft. Lauderdale with the assurance that we approach the problem with the industry’s best practices. We do not promise to eliminate mold spores, but we offer effective removal of active mold colonies together with a proven plan to inhibit their immediate reestablishment.

SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South is a leader in mold removal and remediation services. Call (954) 776-2000 if you suspect mold infestation in your home.

Visit your neighbors in Ft. Lauderdale by clicking here.

The Right Team for Mold Damage Repair in Your Fort Lauderdale Residence

3/14/2018 (Permalink)

When remediating mold damage, SERVPRO locates and stops the source of the moisture to prevent future mold growth.

Rely on SERVPRO for Quick and Thorough Mold Damage Remediation

While you are almost always working to keep up with the needs of your home as it ages, there are inevitably going to be circumstances that are out of your depth to remedy and repair. Such is the case of discovering mold growth and its subsequent damage in your Fort Lauderdale house. While you might think that fixing this problem is as simple as thoroughly cleaning the area, most conventional cleaning efforts are not able to successfully remove the entire organism, not to mention repair or restore the damage that the colonies have caused.

Fortunately for you, our SERVPRO professionals get specially trained to deal with all varieties of fungal growth and the latest remediation methods for efficient removal and restoration of the affected areas. If you have mold damage to repair in your Fort Lauderdale home, having the right team of remediation specialists to call can help you to make the process smooth and bring your home back from this compromised condition more quickly.

From the moment that our team arrives at your house, we begin our assessment into the full scope of the damage starting with the farthest reaches of mold colonies throughout the affected areas. This process gives our SERVPRO specialists the area of the job that needs to be sectioned off. Preventing mold spores from spreading to new areas while the remediation process is underway is critical to not having the problem recur.

Locating the source of the moisture that fed the mold spores and allowed them to form into colonies is a critical component of our remediation process as well. By stopping this source from allowing more water into this area of your home in the future, recurrences are much less likely. After repairs have gotten completed, and the colonies have gotten removed, drying the area is the next step. Dehumidification equipment gets used for this step to pull the moisture from the air quickly. For an added measure of security and peace of mind, our technicians might recommend a permanent dehumidifier for the area.

When you discover mold damage in your home, many people find themselves overwhelmed with how to get rid of it and prevent it from ever happening again. Fortunately, with SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South, you do not have to combat this situation by yourself. Our experienced mold remediation specialists are available 24/7 just by calling (954) 776-2000.

Click here for more information regarding the city of Fort Lauderdale.

Early Signs of Mold Damage in Your Fort Lauderdale Home That You Should Never Ignore

2/9/2018 (Permalink)

Our SERVPRO team has certifications to remediate mold damage from residential and commercial properties.

What Are The Early Signs of Mold in Your Ft Lauderdale Property?

Once mold finds its way into your home, it can spread very quickly if you do not act fast. The best way to prevent it from turning into a total catastrophe is to have professionals mitigate it in time. The earlier the professionals can intervene, the better.

Thankfully, you can spot the mold in its early stages in your Fort Lauderdale home, if you know how to read the early signs. Call in the experts at SERVPRO as soon as you spot any of the following signs of mold damage to prevent it from getting out of hand.

Moldy smell
One of the earliest signs of mold damage is the characteristic moldy smell. Even if the mold is not visible, the existence of a musky, damp odor can indicate its presence in places such as attics and behind walls. If a portion of your home has such an odor, call in the experts at SERVPRO immediately.

Visible mold growth
The mold damage starts with a few colonies in damp places such as bathrooms, attics, and crawlspaces. If you spot any growth that you suspect can be mold, call the professionals as soon as you can. Avoid trying to clean the mold by yourself, even if there are only a few colonies. Not only mold can have health effects, trying to clean it by yourself can help spread it to unaffected areas easily.

Excessive humidity
Mold loves humidity. If there is excessive humidity in a part of your home, it can quickly become the breeding ground of mold. A humidity level of above 60% is most conducive for the mold growth. So, if you experience more than usual humidity in a part of your home, seek professional help to fix the problem.

Water damage
Water damage due to broken fixtures or pipes can be inviting to the mold. If you see signs of water damage such as warped paint, water stains, condensation problems, seek professional help immediately. If you ignore the water damage, it can create a very favorable space for the mold to grow and before you know it, you might have two problems.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

Call SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South at (954) 776-2000 today to schedule a free consultation.

For more on Fort Lauderdale, click here

Safety Measures for Mold Damage in Ft Lauderdale

1/26/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Has the Answers for Mold Remediation in Ft. Lauderdale

For Mold Remediation, Rely on the Best Practices of SERVPRO

Mold damage to homes in Ft Lauderdale is no laughing matter. In addition to costing hundreds or thousands of dollars in remediation costs, some species of mold can cause health effects with prolonged exposure. Protecting the safety of residents and our technicians is SERVPRO's top priority, and we institute numerous safety protocols and measures in the average mold damage remediation project to ensure that everyone involved leaves happy, healthy, and better for the wear. Here are some safety measures you can expect in your home during our work.
Air Filtration
Air filtration is among our most common treatments for mold damage in Ft Lauderdale and surrounding areas because it is essential for almost all cases. We use industrial-strength air filtration devices to rapidly and thoroughly scrub the air from spores and chemical contaminants, ensuring that as little harmful material as possible remains once we leave. This process can also help to eliminate dust and other airborne contaminants in your home, and you may notice markedly better air quality in the residence once this step of the process finishes. These devices are called HEPA filtered air scrubbers.

We take care to use heavy sanitization techniques across all infected areas of the home, scrubbing surfaces clean of spores and mold growth on both the visual and to a degree the microscopic levels. Through a combination of chemical sanitizers, UV ray devices, and other treatments, we eliminate as many microscopic spores as possible within a compressed time frame.

For particularly severe cases of mold damage, we may recommend a partial quarantine or full temporary move-out of the home to avoid the risk of anyone contracting an illness or spreading the mold further. While quarantines are often difficult and inconvenient, they are necessary under difficult cleanup projects.

SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South provides the community with trustworthy, experienced, and inexpensive mold damage remediation services. If you find mold in your home, call us at (954) 776-2000.

Data on this large Florida city here.

Professional Mold Removal Stops Damage and Prevents Reinfestation in Fort Lauderdale Properties

11/25/2017 (Permalink)

Florida homes have a higher risk of experiencing microbial growth and mold damage due to the weather conditions.

Call the Certified Technicians at SERVPRO at the First Sign of Mold in Your Home

Fort Lauderdale homes remain at higher risk of microbial growth, water damage, and other hurricane-related problems. SERVPRO technicians study and receive IICRC certificates in mitigation and related fields so homeowners can rest assured that their homes receive the necessary care.

Discovering mildew and mold growing in a Fort Lauderdale home signifies the need for professional mold removal and remediation. Without this, mold can continue to grow. Unchecked, it can take over a home quickly. Made from cellulose of various forms, homes contain almost unlimited amounts of food sources for mold and mildew.

Growth cannot happen without a source of water for these microbes, however. Part of remediation of mold includes locating this source and eliminating it from the environment. Leak from pipes, drains, or appliances can happen, as can entryways for external sources of water. Loose roofing materials, soggy floors in crawlspaces, and basement cracks can all allow water to enter your home.

Before we remove the mold already growing inside your home by cutting away and removing drywall, carpeting, and other materials, we put up physical barriers, such as heavy-gauge plastic sheeting, and set up air scrubbers. These machines eliminate microscopic pathogens and other debris from the air.

Carpeting can sustain copious amounts of damage, even in areas where it seems dry and impervious to moisture. This happens because the moisture travels within the absorbent and highly porous padding underneath. Mold also consumes the glue on the carpet's underside. Eliminating any carpet affected by mold often removes a large percentage of the mold within a home.

Because mold can grow anywhere in a home, we can perform mold removal from any type of situation or environment. Having only a normal amount of mold and mildew in your home protects not only your home but it also protects the people living there.

SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South's technicians can help perform the latest techniques in mold removal, so your home no longer suffers from mold damage and any subsequent effects. Reaching us is as easy as calling our local number, (954) 776-2000, at any hour, day or night. Our 24-hour service remains ready every day of the year.

To learn more about the Fort Lauderdale area, click here.

Is Mold Removal In Your Fort Lauderdale Home Even Possible?

7/25/2017 (Permalink)

Mold appears everywhere, in the air that we breathe, our food, water, and each surface that we make contact with on a daily basis.

Mold Removal

When someone uses the word ‘removal,' whether you consciously recognize it or not, you expect that person or entity to take something away, abolish something unwanted.

However, when it comes to mold removal in your Fort Lauderdale home, total removal of mold is never going to be possible, regardless of how much a company claims that their services perform at this level. Mold is, in fact, a regular part of our ecosystem, appearing indoors and outdoors in every city, state, and country around the world.

A company that provides you with mold remediation services, like SERVPRO, allows you access to the equipment and experienced technicians necessary to control mold growth in your home, not remove it. Their services help limit the conditions that make mold a problem while also providing you with the cleaning and repairs necessary to make your house a home, again.

Mold appears everywhere, in the air that we breathe, our food, water, and each surface that we make contact with on a daily basis. We bring mold spores into our homes every day, without even knowing it. There are even some mold species that thrive in harsh conditions, such as extreme cold, acidic solvents, and petroleum products.

However, the molds you need to worry about love dark, damp, hidden locations throughout your home. Areas such as the inside of your walls, in your ceiling, crawlspaces, basement, and even in your attic, all of which make a perfect feeding ground for mold if the right conditions exist. Simple things, such as a small leak in your roof allows water to enter your home, causing significant damage if left unattended long enough.

SERVPRO technicians utilize a variety of equipment including infrared moisture detectors and hygrometers to locate water anywhere in your home. When found, technicians use water extractors, air movers, dryers, and other attachments to get water out of even the smallest spaces.

If mold exists, a proper technician, like those offered at SERVPRO, uses the proper techniques to restore or replace contaminated materials physically. Chemicals should only serve as a method of controlling the spread of mold spores during the remediation process, never used as a sole treatment approach.

Contact SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South for additional information about our mold remediation services, or to schedule your initial inspection, today (954) 776-2000.

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Important Facts about the Process of Mold Removal In Fort Lauderdale

3/21/2017 (Permalink)

Mold Is Infesting this Wall in a Ft. Lauderdale Condo

SERVPRO Removes Mold Growth and Sources of Moisture as Part of the Remediation Service

Mold is a scary topic for many homeowners. It is imperative to know and understand factual details about such things. Otherwise, it is too easy to become mired down with things that are not important to your situation.

Fort Lauderdale residents with condos or homes that have mold should know that complete mold removal is not a possibility. Because this organism lives abundantly everywhere, complete mold removal is only a myth. Remediation is the best any industry expert can provide, and SERVPRO knows the latest standards in providing this to you.
Instead of mold removal, control of mold present in the home is what can, in actuality, protect your home from the damaging effects of a mold infestation. Mold exists in each and every home, no matter how clean a home is. Mold is not a large problem until it becomes too prolific and then grows out of control, causing stains, degradation of building elements and belongings, and possible foul odors.
Mold can grow out of control only when the environmental conditions meet its requirements. These requirements include dark areas free of direct sunlight, dampness, a food source, and a location that is free from disturbance by people, pets, and strong air currents. Disturbing mold before it can grow can keep it from spreading, but disturbing it after it has grown larger can be counter-productive, as this allows mold spores to be released and colonize elsewhere in your home.

In addition to mold removal, SERVPRO Professionals also partition off areas that are contaminated with mold so that mold spores are less likely to enter into uncontaminated areas. Mold-infested materials that are removed from your home are always bagged up properly, preventing mold and spores from getting a free ride to other areas of your home. Equipment such as air scrubbers, complete with HEPA-filters, are used to remove any mold spores from the partitioned area before we remove the plastic sheeting. In extreme cases, we can also use negative air pressure to isolate specific areas of your condo.
We use the latest in hygrometers and moisture meters that can show us where moisture is accumulating in your home. We then repair whatever is damaged so that moisture is no longer available for mold to use. We do everything possible to ensure that mold is remediated from your home.
If you have located mold in your home, SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South can provide you with much more than just mold removal. We can help protect your home from future problems that are caused by these fungi. Contact us at (954) 776-2000 day or night, and we can answer your questions, schedule an appointment, and give you peace of mind.

Facts About Mold Remediation in Ft. Lauderdale and When to Call a Professional

2/2/2017 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation for a Condo in Ft. Lauderdale? Call SERVPRO

Trust SERVPRO to Remedy Your Mold Damaging Issues

Our climate in South Florida is ideal for mold growth, so it is important to be informed on how and where it grows and how to handle any damage. Mold damage can range from minor to extensive; some may be treatable without a professional, while other times you may need to call in the experts.  The trouble is that it often lurks in places that you cannot see.  First and most importantly if you suspect that you might have a mold problem, don’t ignore it.  Mold remains until it is removed and, if not, can impact your health and the value of your home.

What exactly is mold?
Mold is a microscopic fungus that grows in Ft. Lauderdale homes on any organic material (think wood, paper, sheetrock, drywall) and spreads through spores that are invisible to the naked eye.  It loves warm, humid environments but can grow any time there is moisture.  Often it hides in places that you cannot see, like behind shower stall walls or in the sheetrock of a damp basement (typically not an issue in our area.)

Why is mold growing in my home?
If you have mold in your home, it is because spores have settled in your home and are continuing to grow and spread due to the presence of moisture.  Often mold is a result of water damage: a leaky roof, leaking pipes, improper drainage around the home, or poor ventilation.

Is mold bad for my health?
When it is disturbed or touched, the spores are carried through the air and can spread the problem throughout your home.  Exposure to these airborne spores can lead to health effects. SERVPRO suggests that you consult a physician for more information.

Can I handle the cleanup myself?
Generally speaking, if you are somewhat handy and have a mold situation in less than a 3 ft x 3 ft area, you might be able to tackle the problem yourself.   It is vital to be safe while tackling the problem.  Research proper mold removal techniques and have a plan of action before you begin to tackle DIY mold removal.  Always make sure to wear gloves, goggles and protective clothing and avoid inhaling mold spores by wearing a mask or respirator. Make sure that in addition to the mold being removed, that the moisture problem is fixed or the mold can return. SERVPRO firmly recommends that you rely on us for safe and professional mold remediation.

Reasons to Call a Professional:
♣     You are not handy and feel overwhelmed at thinking of the cleanup
♣    The moldy area is bigger than 10 sq ft.
♣    You suspect that the mold might have gotten into your HVAC unit- turn off the unit and call a professional immediately.  The last think you want to do is spread mold throughout the entire home/building
♣    The water damage/ mold was caused by a sewer backup.  Contaminated water is nothing to mess with and can seriously impact your health – call SERVPRO for the cleanup.
♣    You have started to tackle it yourself and realize the problem is worse/bigger than you anticipated

Remember that the best way to prevent mold growth is to control moisture in your home.  Keeping the interior and exterior of your home on a maintenance schedule can help to avoid any minor issues from becoming major. Rely on SERVPRO of Ft. Lauderdale South by calling us 24/7 for mold remediation at (954) 776-2000.

Mold Damage Restoration Services In Fort Lauderdale

1/21/2017 (Permalink)

Moisture Invites Mold into Your Ft. Lauderdale Condo

Your Condo Get Mold Remediation from SERVPRO

Having a vacation condo is great until work gets busy, you end up leaving it empty for a couple of years, or longer. Windows get left open, or plumbing fixtures slowly drip, giving plants and mold the moisture needed to grow uncontrollably.
When it is time to plan a return trip to your Fort Lauderdale condo, mold damage could be an issue. You will need to find a local company that has the proper personnel and equipment available to perform the repairs you need. Why not use one that has expertly trained IICRC certified technicians who give you the professional services you deserve.
SERVPRO responds to your call within four hours, communicates with you through the entire process, and even helps you with any paperwork that may be necessary for your insurance company. Our onsite managers assist with keeping you informed about progress and answers any questions you may have during the restoration process.
SERVPRO's onsite manager can also be the one to direct all work, perform the proper safety precautions, and handle the initial inspection and assessment of the damages to your property. They can also make service recommendations and plan every step of your restoration process. While each situation is different, the overall process remains the same.
Our technicians use advanced techniques to locate and repair the issue causing water exposure inside of your home and determine which areas need mold remediation services. We cordon off any affected areas, remove any additional standing water that may exist. We have access to infrared detection devices used to locate moisture hidden within walls and crawlspaces.
While deploying a restore versus replace mentality, SERVPRO technicians transport any of your furniture, or personal belongings found within the affected area to a safe location, where they receive special handling, depending on the needs of each particular item. While we attempt to save as much as possible, some items, such as sheetrock or other materials overly saturated by mold growth need to be removed and properly disposed of before drying, and cleaning procedures begin.
We use specialty drying equipment and dehumidifiers to properly dry each area and deploy various cleaning methods, depending on the type of exposure and condition of each surface we encounter. Once we have fully cleaned each of the affected areas, we apply the proper deodorization methods to eliminate any odors that exist as we go. We also perform any additional repairs necessary to complete the job in its entirety.
Contact SERVPRO of Ft Lauderdale South today, (954) 776-2000